
Showing posts from March, 2018

Law of attraction hacks, get faster and better results using the laws of karma and Dharma

There are a lot of people who are afraid to manifest and think negative thoughts, because they fear the effects of karma. They believe that whatever they wish onto someone else, it will return to them tenfold. Or, that they will suffer the same pain that they inflicted upon others in the afterlife. While still others believe that bad karma may force them to reincarnate until they are able to learn a certain lesson in life. Well, in this article, I am going to explain to you the process of karma and dharma. And how you can benefit from the laws of karma by incorporating the law of karma into your manifesting efforts.

The law of attraction accelerator: how reading the akashic records can get you instant results

There is a lot of talk about the law of attraction. And yes, people want to get results as quickly as possible. So, they spend a lot of time raising their vibrations, thinking positive thoughts and having good intentions. But, is there a much easier way to manifest? The simple answer to that question is yes. You can manifest and get results, almost instantly by learning how to read the akashic records. So, in this video, I am going to talk about the akashic records and give you a few simple tricks to manifest your desires faster.

The law of attraction accelerator: how reading the akashic records can get you instant results

There is a lot of talk about the law of attraction. And yes, people want to get results as quickly as possible. So, they spend a lot of time raising their vibrations, thinking positive thoughts and having good intentions. But, is there a much easier way to manifest? The simple answer to that question is yes. You can manifest and get results, almost instantly by learning how to read the akashic records. So, in this video, I am going to talk about the akashic records and give you a few simple tricks to manifest your desires faster.

Should I text him? Get him to call using this sneaky psychic love spell

So, if you clicked on this video, you think that I am going to tell you how you can arouse a man. Or, you think that I am going to give you some inside tips on how to kiss him, hug him, grope him. Hey, listen, if you’ve read and listed to the title correctly, I said psychic love spell.   This means that you can get him aroused and stimulated by just your thoughts and your sexual energy. I know, it sounds really foo foo. However, in this video, I am going to let you in on a little mystic secret that will not only get him aroused, but will also make him go crazy.  

Alchemy and shadow work, the secret to mastering the power of the dark side

People are afraid of negative energy. There are so many self-help books out there that tell you that you need to have a positive mindset. Others, like the Law of Attractions talks about vibrations and how your vibe attracts your tribe. While others will tell you that you need to be in a perpetual state of bliss and euphoria in order to either manifest or be enlightened. However, I am here to tell you that negativity, can be a good thing. In fact, when used well, negative energy can greatly magnify your manifesting efforts. So, stay tuned, if you truly want to understand and master the power of the dark side.  

Break bad habits for good, using this powerful self-hypnosis technique

The New Year’s has come and gone. We’ve all made resolutions to try and lose weight, to eat better, exercise, quit smoking, and gossiping. Sadly, two weeks in, we regress back to our old habits. It’s hard to break bad habits because one, our bodies are programmed to engage in certain types of behaviors. Two, it’s difficult to break bad habits because we are constantly being triggered to engage in undesirable behavior. So, in this video, I am going to explain to you how habits work, how you can break them, and give you a self-hypnosis technique on how to break those bad habits for good. So, stay tuned.