
Showing posts from May, 2018

How creative visualization can help you manifest 10x faster

In his book think and Grow Rich, Napolean Hill’s talks about how he would imagine and visualize himself talking to all the people he wanted to interview. Further in the book, he talks about his young son being born without ears. Hill goes on to talk about how he didn’t just accept this diagnosis. Rather, he visualized his son being able to hear and thus through time and a great deal of hard work, his son was able to hear. Even Lisa Nichols talks about the power of visualization coupled with positive thoughts and manifestation. So, if all this is true, and all we have to do is think about things, and they happen?   Why aren’t most of us manifesting and living the life of our dreams? Well, we all suffer from various roadblocks, and these roadblocks impede from not only being our best selves. They also stunt our ability to manifest.

How creative visualization and sound can help you manifest 10x stronger!

Did you know that sound, words, and rhythm, shape virtually all aspects of your life? Did you know that you could write, sing, or speak powerful words into existence by just writing and casting spells? In this video, I am going to explain to you the power of sound coupled with creative visualization will allow you to magnify your results and magnify your power much faster.

How to escape the matrix and make your wishes come true

People always ask me; can they make their wishes come true over night? They want to know if they can make their wishes come true in 30 seconds. Or, if they can manifest something and instantly get results. The answer to that question is yes, you can manifest and get results almost immediately, but you have to have the power, ashe, chi prana, to be able to do it. Many of us aren’t able to make this happen because we are energetically bankrupt, or another way of saying it, we are just depleted. So, in this video, I am going to explain to you how depletion happens and how you can make your wishes come true, without using your own energy. So, stay tuned.

How to write powerful spells and get fast results: A Mystics Perspective

Do you want your spell casting and spell writing to be 10x more powerful and effective? Learn how going into the dream state and meditation can help magnify your power and manifest your desires more effectively. I am just now getting settled in Thailand, and I have to say that I spent the first week stuffing my face, jet-lagged, getting massages and yes checking out the movie theater. You know that I had to check out Bangkok’s famous Imax. Anyway, the first movie I saw in Bangkok was Avengers Infinite War, and yes, it was a really great movie. I love all the characters, especially The Hulk. However, my favorite character is Dr. Strange. He is a weird scientist, turned mystic who is assigned to protect our reality and the stones that protect the universe. I know, it sounds like a whole bunch of metaphysical babble. However, in this video, I am going to explain to you that effective spell casting, and writing spells entails the ability to shape, s...